Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique

Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique

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Please read this leaflet carefully before you take your medicine. This leaflet only gives a summary of Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique information available on your medicine. If you have any questions or are not sure about anything, ask your doctor or pharmacist. What you should know about your medicine The name of your medicine is Inderal.

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The active ingredient is propranolol. Inderal is produced as tablets in three different strengths. The tablets contain 10 mg, 40 mg or 80 mg of propranolol hydrochloride. Your medicine also contains the following inactive ingredients: E441, glycerol Ph Eur.

Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique

E422, lactose Ph Eur. E504, magnesium stearate Ph Eur. E464 and titanium dioxide Ph Eur. Inderal 10 mg and Inderal 40 mg tablets are produced in packs of 100 tablets.

Ji Hyang Padma

Inderal 80 mg tablets are produced in packs Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique 60 tablets. It has effects on the heart and circulation and also on other parts of the body. cheap Zyvox can be Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique for many conditions including hypertension high blood pressure, angina chest pain, some Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique disorders of heart rhythm, protection of the heart after a myocardial infarction heart attack, prevention of migraine, essential tremor, anxiety, certain thyroid conditions such as thyrotoxicosis, which is caused by an overactive thyroid gland, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy thickened heart muscle, phaeochromocytoma high blood pressure due to a tumour usually near the kidney and bleeding in the oesophagus caused by high blood pressure in the liver.

Before taking your medicine If you have ever had asthma or wheezing, do not take your Inderal. Go back to your doctor or pharmacist. Do not take Inderal if you have previously had an allergic reaction to it, to propranolol, or to any of the other ingredients listed above.

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Inderal should also Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique be taken by people with heart failure which is not under control or people you should take Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. The following table shows the usual total daily dosages for an adult: Elderly patients may be started on a lower dose, Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique. If you forget to take your medicine, take your dose when you remember and then take your next dose at the usual time. If you are worried, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. If you accidentally take an overdose of your medicine, either call your doctor straight away, or go to your nearest hospital casualty department.


Always take any remaining tablets, Inderal 10 mg Achat Belgique container and the label with you, so that the medicine can be identified. Do not stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor first. In some cases, it may be necessary to stop taking the medicine gradually. After taking your medicine As with all medicines, undesirable events can sometimes be experienced with Inderal.
