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Marchio Trihexyphenidyl In Vendita

Valutazione 4.5 sulla base di 277 voti.

Suppurative parotitis, dilation of colon, paralytic ileus Frequency not reported: Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, anorexia, constipation, nausea, vomiting Isolated cases of suppurative parotitis secondary to excessive dryness of the mouth have been reported.

Marchio Trihexyphenidyl In Vendita

However, occasionally the onset may be delayed by months. Symptoms generally resolve spontaneously within a few days after the discontinuation of medication.

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Psychiatric deterioration and psychotic flare-ups have also been reported following withdrawal of therapy. Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, aggression or violent behavior, and suicidal Marchio. In high dosages, Trihexyphenidyl may produce euphorigenic effects. Delusions, hallucinations, paranoia Frequency not reported: Nervousness, restlessness, euphoria, Marchio Trihexyphenidyl In Vendita, unusual excitement, impairment of memory or forgetfulness, confusion or delirium, psychiatric deterioration and psychotic flare-ups, toxic psychosis, depression, anxiety, agitation, insomnia Ocular Frequency not Vendita Blindness, blurred vision, mydriasis, cycloplegia, glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, pupil dilation, increased intraocular pressure, photophobia Cardiovascular Frequency not reported: Tachycardia, paradoxical sinus bradycardia Genitourinary Frequency not reported: Urinary retention, urinary hesitancy, dysuria Other Frequency not reported: Heat stroke, hyperthermia, heat intolerance, weakness Hypersensitivity Frequency not reported: Allergic reaction, hypersensitivity Dermatologic Frequency not reported: Anhidrosis, dry skin References 1.

Marchio Trihexyphenidyl In Vendita

Birket-Smith E “Abnormal involuntary movements induced by anticholinergic therapy. Koller WC “Disturbance of recent memory function in parkinsonian patients on anticholinergic therapy.


Yassa R “Antiparkinsonian medication withdrawal in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia: An investigation of mechanism. Laski E, Taleporos E “Anticholinergic psychosis in a bilingual: Wilcox JA “Psychoactive properties of benztropine and trihexyphenidyl. Stephens DA “Psychotoxic effects of benzhexol hydrochloride Artane. Some side effects may not be reported. You may report them to the FDA.

Marchio Trihexyphenidyl In Vendita
