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Further information

Indications Obesity in conjunction with diet. How to use and dosage of Orlistat Orlistat is taken by mouth with generic main meal that contains fat, along with a meal or not later than 1 hour after a meal, 3 times a day 120 mg. Chance pass Xenical, if the food Online not contain fat or a meal was skipped. Prior to the appointment of orlistat is necessary to exclude organic causes of obesity hypothyroidism and others. Since orlistat decreases the absorption of some vitamins, then for their adequate intake of patients should take the multivitamin preparations, which contain fat-soluble vitamins they should be taken 2 hours after or 2 hours before receiving orlistat.

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In patients who are simultaneously taking cyclosporine and orlistat, a more frequent monitoring of the content of cyclosporine in plasma. Contraindications Hypersensitivity, cholestasis, chronic malabsorption syndrome. Pregnancy and breastfeeding Well controlled and adequate studies of orlistat in pregnant women do not have. Since the results of the tests on animals can not always show the response of a person, the orlistat is not recommended during pregnancy. It is not known pill orlistat is allocated to breast milk, so breastfeeding women should not use it.

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In a joint reception of orlistat with levothyroxine sodium may develop hypothyroidism the time interval between doses of these substances must be at least 4 hours. Overdose Multiple intake to 400 mg of orlistat three times a day for 2 weeks or a single dose of 800 mg of orlistat patients with obesity and normal body weight significant adverse reactions was not accompanied. If the patient revealed a significant overdose of orlistat, it is necessary for one day to observe his condition. Orlistat List of Trade Names 1.

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