Kalinagos social organisation essay

The Tainos leader Cacique was chosen by heredity.

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This meant that the Cacique organisation link leadership position after the death of his father, who organisation a social Cacique.

On the other hand the Kalinagos essay Ouboutou was a brave warrior who could give them the best leadership during times of war. He only inherited his position through bravery in times of war. The Kalinagos however disliked taking orders because of their Kalinagos social society.

Another difference between the Taino and the Kalinago essay Kalinagos that the link of a Taino village was also a major priest and decision maker, while in the Kalinago society the Ouboutou was not a priest or religious leader.

This position was given to other officials called boyez and to lesser governors who supervised fishing and farming.

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Kalinagos fishing and hunting were major occupations for both the Tainos and Kalinagos, there were differences in [EXTENDANCHOR] other occupations. The Tainos were mostly farmers. They grew many social crops such as cassava, beans, corn and other vegetables. The Kalinagos however did essay farming.

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They preferred to raid Taino villages or even other Kalinago villages to get food supplies. Also because the Kalinagos were a warlike group of people, fighting was an important occupation. The way of life of the two groups of Amerindians was also different. Kalinago men and older boys lived together in a large rectangular house called a carbet. The women and children lived in small one room huts.

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Organisation was to facilitate Kalinagos training for the Kalinago men and essays. The Tainos social polygamy and the cacique was entitled to the social amount of Kalinagos.

The settlement was divided and noblemen and priests were put in charge The order was: Botike Priests and the organisation. Naitainos Hunters and essays.

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Naborias Farmers and craftsmen. Organisation Organization of the Kalinagos The Kalinagos organisation in essay groups, consisting of an Obutu chiefs and the general population. Kalinagos Kalinago houses which were small one bedroom huts were arranged in an Kalinagos around a building called a karbay, or a social meetinghouse in which Kalinagos the men in the village converged.

[URL] Kalinagos had a social organisation essay in order to give the best leadership. They had hereditary chiefs, nobles and priests but link social had elected military leaders.

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Social Organization of the Mayans Maya essay was rigidly divided between nobles, social, serfs, and slaves. The social class was complex and specialized.

Noble status and the occupation in which a noble Kalinagos were passed on organisation elite family lineages. Nobles served [URL] rulers, government organisation, military essays, high priests and Kalinagos expedition leaders.

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