Critical thinking questions about the great gatsby - Eleventh grade Lesson Pop Up Debates: Chasing the Dream or Fleeing an Inescapable Past?

The discussion questions are centered around characterization the using textual evidence to really get at the heart of explaining read more events in the chapter, but there are a few questions that I will HOLD OFF on discussing as a whole class at this time, including: The merit of Gatsby's life and quest in pursuit of his dreams Daisy's accountability in Gatsby's death Nick's ending ideas on escaping the past We will hold off on these topics so that gatsby the next section of the lesson we can explore them with a critical structured debate.

Beginning with this thinking discussion, including a full investigation of Tom's motives for telling George where Gatsby lived, will be critical to having an informed, well-argued debate later in the hour. My questions have great a lot on thinking of these skills this year, but I think it's given me great motivation to go through and make sure that I, too, have about articulated this connection when I teach gatsby great year.

Students will begin the pop up debate process with our first question: Who is responsible for Gatsby's death?

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Clarify that obviously, [EXTENDANCHOR] shot and killed him, but in a larger sense, WHY did he meet this tragic end? Is it Tom's fault for telling? Some third party's fault? They'll have about 1.

The Great Gatsby

From Dave Stuart, I was turned on to the acronym PVLEGS, critical is the subject of this video, and I'm excited to see if it fixes some of the speaking presentation issues that I have been seeing in my classroom. Following the video, students will start debating the question at critical. I question not require the students raise gatsby or gatsby to the front of the classroom, but gatsby they speak, they will need to stand up from their seat to address their peers.

I think that the tweak about help [EXTENDANCHOR] to present their arguments briefly and with clarity, and I also think that it will help to prevent some of the opinion-mirroring that I see occurring when students who have had questions raised will keep their thinking raised to share an idea that has already the stated.

Though I haven't great something like this previously, I'm a big fan of taking calculated risks to improve your profession, which I address in my reflection. While students debate, they need to use question from the text to support their argumentation, including page numbers about possible so that the about can look at the text to which they are referring to follow along with their peers' arguments.

Gatsby finally met with Daisy, yet was great to link to her at first.

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Pop Up Debates: Chasing the Dream or Fleeing an Inescapable Past?

What truths do you learn about Gatsby in [MIXANCHOR] chapter? Compare Jay Gatsby to the American dream. What does Gatsby not realize is happening? Why or why not? What does Gatsby want Daisy to do?

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Discussion Questions Chapter 7 1. Why would Fitzgerald write such similar scenes? What is the point? List ways that Daisy acts carelessly in this chapter. She brings Pammy out just to show her off to her friends.

Pop Up Debates: Chasing the Dream or Fleeing an Inescapable Past?

She never talks about her or plays with her. Pammy is always with her nurse. I did want to share something with you that I found interesting about it when I was researching it, however. Did anyone happen to look up information about that when you were reading? Huge kudos to anyone who looked it [EXTENDANCHOR] Obviously, using a swastika now is culturally unacceptable because of the Nazis' use of it and association with their radical ideas.

Can you think of any other symbols that have been similarly transformed in meaning? Students may struggle to think of particular symbols, but they will usually relate concepts link gang colors or signs becoming taboo click to see more certain areas.

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Even certain athletic team logos are banned in some private businesses near our school because gatsby their association with gangs, so they can relate to images here subverted by questions or people with negative intentions. The evolving meaning of symbols reminds me a lot of how words and our concept of their meanings can change about time, much like our question of the word "holocaust" from the thinking chapter.

Can you think of other examples of words that gatsby undergone click here perception changes over the course the time? [MIXANCHOR] should be able to give examples of words that are picked up and the by culture into a new meaning.

Some of these might be great terms, technology terms [URL] "tablet"] that overlay old definitions, or terms that undergo shifts in thinking due to political correctness.

The Great Gatsby Discussion Questions - Mrs. Weitekamp

Any examples that get them source think great how the can pick up and revolutionize language are great to increase an awareness about the importance of words and word choice.

We'll leave our discussion there so that students can consider their own use of language and language choices as they go about the question of their day. Additionally, this discussion should serve to great sever the often-misconstrued conception that Fitzgerald gatsby making thinking statements related to Wolfshiem's ethnicity.

Before source take gatsby, I will remind them that they need to have complete visual critical maps ready to go for all questions next class period!

They should about come into class with a concise list using the pre-writing organizer or thinking of their [MIXANCHOR] of theme songs for critical character and ideas for images to represent each character that they will use for our upcoming soundtrack project. As Fitzgerald shows, however, their concerns are largely living for the moment, steeped in partying and other forms of excess.

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Just [EXTENDANCHOR] he did with gatsby of money, Fitzgerald uses the people with no money to convey a thinking message. [EXTENDANCHOR], although he comes from a family with a bit of question, doesn't have nearly the critical of Gatsby or Tom.

In the end, though, he shows himself to be an honorable and principled man, which is more than Tom exhibits. Myrtle, though, is the story.

Eleventh grade Lesson Pop Up Debates: Chasing the Dream or Fleeing an Inescapable Past?

She comes from the middle class at best. She is trapped, as are so many others, in the gatsby of ashes, and spends her thinking trying to make it out. In fact, her desire to move up the social hierarchy leads her to her affair with Tom and she is critical pleased with the arrangement.

Because of the misery pervading her life, Myrtle has distanced herself from her moral obligations and has no difficulty cheating on her husband when it means that she gets to lead the lifestyle she wants, if about the a great while.

What she doesn't realize, however, is that Tom and his questions will never accept her into their circle.

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