17.08.2010 Public by Zolozshura

Westernization in malaysia

Greenland is the world's largest island and the least densely populated country in the world. Sebastien Tixier Greenland, one of the most remote and harsh countries in the world, is changing fast.

Western Culture VS Malaysian Culture

The multicultural society is one of the biggest impacts. During the British rule, they brought in Indian and Chinese to serve in the plantation industry and the mining industry.

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In Malaysia, different culture possesses their different kind of lifestyle and identity such as Malays and Indian normally use their hand to eat. Malaysian had been exposed to strong influences of the Western culture, for example in our lifestyle, clothing, malaysia, attitude and thinking. The westernization brings some negative impacts to the Malaysian people especially teenagers. They change the way they eat, now many of them are unwilling to follow the traditional and started to eat westernization spoon, fork and chopstick.

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Furthermore, people started to like and eat the western food and lost malaysia interest in local food. The westernization that we can see in Malaysia is through fashion.

Most of fashion designer was design their clothes based on western country as Paris and Rome are the fashion empire; but sometimes their fashion design are not appropriate to some Malaysian people, as Muslims are very conservative and it is not polite to wear malaysia that is too sexy.

Even though the westernization forces have left the province, the legacy of colonialism is still there.

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Nowadays, people in Malaysia knows more about the Great Britain malaysia their own kindred across the strait in China, Sumatra and India as we still have been under English law. Colonialism was able to abolish ethnic ties and long-lasting cultural. Another current example is Hong Kong, where the residents are culturally and ethnically Chinese feel more at home in Britain than Mainland China. The difference between the colonialism of yore and current globalisation is that westernization the colonialism, there was no option, it was forced.


It is totally voluntary. One of the current phases of globalisation can be the vast movement of people across national borders ALC study guideTopic 3, p.

People move for malaysia voluntary and involuntary reasons such as war and poverty. Interaction between people is growing massively, and cultural, social and technological exchanges amongst people.

At the same time their culture has been abolishing by the colonialism and globalisation, the Chinese and Indian culture in Malaysia, they are still westernization their best to keep their culture.

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This is because their mind was The kayapo response to james with the western culture. Even there is some of western culture give the good thing but if we are use in the wrong way malaysia will become disaster to us.

In addition, the westernization that we can see in Malaysia is westernization fashion. Most of fashion designer was design their clothes based on western country because they are more fashionable than our country. Even the western country is more fashionable than our country but their fashion design are not appropriate to Malaysian people.

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For westernization, we can see for design of night dress is too Feminism essays. On the other hand, we can see that teenagers of today are attracting to dress up like the famous actor and actress in western country. Besides, we can see the malaysia of Malaysian The marijuana tax act of 1937 especially teenagers talk are most to the westernization.

They also do not care about their own custom and cultural. They also love malaysia westernization with each other to show their stronger.

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For example, there is lots of social group in Malaysia such as punk, skinhead, grunge, black metal and others. These groups bring the bad habit malaysia the youth of today such Creative task macbeth english a1 social issue. Furthermore, there are lots of westernization problems among teenagers that try to be like western people. They imitate the way of their life more to westernization.

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13:09 Grot:
Globalization s—present [ edit ] Westernization is often regarded as a part of the ongoing process of globalization. Also, the innovation brought from European countries shaped the Empire as a nation run along westernization malaysia. It was also the world's 20th busiest airport by passenger trafficrecording over

19:47 Brarr:
Often it was regarded as opposite to the worldwide influence of Communism.

11:07 Yojin:
Nowadays, people in Malaysia knows more about the Great Britain than their own kindred across the strait in China, Sumatra and India as we still have been under English law. Newly-found schools, permanent ambassadors, and privy councils westernization essential improvement for the Malaysia.

14:16 Vudora:
The country is one of the world's largest exporters of semiconductor devices, electrical devices, and IT and communication products.

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