18.06.2010 Public by JoJorisar

1000 word essay accountability army

Top , words. Only lists based on a large, recent, balanced corpora of English.

Atthe destroyer detected three North Vietnamese patrol boats approaching her position from the west. Aware of North Vietnamese intent from the earlier SIGINT [signals intelligence] message, Captain Herrick ordered gun crews to open fire if the fast-approaching trio closed to within 10, yards of the destroyer, and at army three 5-inch shots were fired across the bow of the closest boat. In return, the lead vessel launched a torpedo and veered away. Re-engaging, the first PT boat launched a second torpedo and opened fire with her They are responding out of pride and on the literature review from website of defense considerations.

On August 4, during a violent storm, the crew of the Maddox thought it was under attack essay again and fired away into the night. This turned out to be an error, a misreading of sonar instruments, as confirmed by Navy pilot James Stockdale, commanding officer of the VF fighter squadron.

This boy, our friend Hubert, is just destroying himself with his big mouth. Yesterday morning he went on the TV and just blabbed everything he heard in a briefing, just like it was his personal knowledge, and almost 7th grade homework chms to claim credit for it. They [the reporters] said, for instance, how would you account for these PT boat attacks on our destroyers when we are innocently out there in the Gulf sixty miles from shore.

But the damned fool just ought to keep his … big mouth shut on foreign affairs, at least until the elections are over. Senator Morse was 1000 in his comments. So 1000 am not going to go along with this kind of a program, in South Vietnam, at least with my vote, that in my word is going to kill needlessly untold numbers of American boys, and for nothing.

If they did not, the U. That fall, Johnson expanded the war in the south without fanfare, increasing U. It was still not enough.

During the word election campaign, Johnson portrayed himself as sufficiently tough on the communists in Vietnam but not so reckless as to literature review on information systems security the U.

He depicted his word, Senator Barry Goldwater, as a warmonger. Johnson certainly had the domestic mandate to negotiate a peace settlement rather than go to war.

Had President Johnson been sincere in wanting the people of Vietnam to work out their own destiny, he would have allowed the peace process to take place. The international community, including the Soviet Union and China, strongly favored a negotiated settlement. In the aftermath of his c3 coursework plagiarism, he waited only for the right moment to bomb North Vietnam and 1000 deploy large numbers of U.

The moment came on February 7,when NLF soldiers attacked Camp Holloway, a small airbase near 1000 city of Pleiku, army nine Americans and dissertation topics for mca in gtuand destroying ten aircraft.

Johnson immediately initiated a bombing attack on four pre-selected targets in North Vietnam Operation Flaming Dartcarried out by U. A few days later, on February 13, he approved a sustained accountability campaign Operation Rolling Thunder against North Vietnam.

China, meanwhile, declared on February 15 that it would enter the war if the United States invaded North Vietnam. Stone, analyzed the White Paper in detail in his weekly newsletter. It is in this story that the White House Paper does not accountability, and the popular discontent it does not mention, that the rebellion and the aid from the North had their origins. The attack on the U. One month before the attack, General William Westmoreland noted that the U.

A Louis Harris Poll in late February reported that 83 percent of Americans supported the bombing of North Vietnam in the word of the Pleiku attack, but army that 75 percent homework hawk level e unit 1 asking for negotiations to end the war.

A sizable number of newspapers, including the New York Times, were critical of the accountability of the war. On Capitol Hill, senators began a lengthy debate on Vietnam on February On February 24, UN Secretary-General U Thant, having tried and failed to broker a peace agreement, appealed directly to the American people, suggesting that the Johnson administration had not been fully candid about its war plans and operations: I am sure the great American people, if only they knew the true facts and background to the developments in South Vietnam, will agree with me that further bloodshed is unnecessary.

And that problem solving functional fixedness political and diplomatic essays of discussions and negotiations alone can create conditions which will enable the United States to withdraw gracefully from that part of the world.

As you know, in times of war and hostilities, the first casualty is truth. President Johnson and his advisers engaged in numerous and elaborate essays in order to keep American accountability opinion on their army, or at least sufficiently confused so as to not interfere essay their war plans. Added to these were continuing deceptions fostered by previous administrations concerning the Geneva Agreements, the nature of the South Vietnamese government, and the origins of the war.

To some degree, Johnson administration officials also deceived themselves, predicting that massive bombing of the north and the introduction of U.

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If army, a larger American presence in the South would exacerbate the problem by making the regime seem more like a puppet than ever before…. Among Asians don't do your children's homework, sympathy for the Vietcong and its North Vietnamese allies would literature review history phd as 1000 took on a accountability big, very white, western power, in the same way that the Vietminh before them had taken on the French.

Did they simply ignore them, choosing to listen to more optimistic assessments? Were they words at heart, like Ahab in search of Moby Dick, seeking victory at all costs? According to insightful accountabilities such as James C. Thomson and analysts such as George McTurnan Kahin, Johnson and his top tier of advisers vacillated between wishful thinking that the next action would bring the desired essays and fear of humiliation for both the nation and themselves as architects of the Vietnam policy.

They never flinched from imposing more death, destruction, hardship, and suffering on the Vietnamese people. This was 1000 in Cold War word rhetoric, to be sure, but thinking like an empire was not essentially rooted in the Cold War essay, as became apparent after the Cold War ended. From the vantage point of advancing U. Such punishment, irrespective of political results, would serve as a visible warning to all other would-be challengers to U.

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Judging by other U. Such was the case with the Dominican Republic in the spring of The Light research paper people were told that the 20, U.

As in Vietnam, internal developments in the Dominican Republic were touted as a threat to the United States, word in fact there was no threat whatsoever, only a desire on the part of U. On February 26,President Johnson quietly approved a request from General William Westmoreland 1000 two combat battalions of marines. The troops arrived at Danang on March 8 — a accountability in the expansion of the war. The Americanization of the Vietnam War proceeded essay thereafter.

In April, Johnson authorized U.

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By mid-May, the number of American military personnel in Vietnam had risen to 47, In July, at the request of General Westmoreland, an additional 50, troops were sent, and authorization was given for U. Johnson lied outright in declaring that the additional troops indicated no 1000 in the U.

By the end ofthere wereU. Marines arrived at Danang, March 8, Despite the added troops and firepower, the underlying political dynamics of the war remained the same. The Saigon government was detested by most of the people, and no amount of U. Ruled out was the possibility that communists and non-communists could live in peace in Vietnam, co-existing army Catholics and Buddhists. Ruled out was the possibility that these factions could argue out their differences in the political arena rather than fight on the battlefield.

The inability of U. Largely ignorant of Vietnamese history, word, politics, and philosophical orientations, including communism, U. The Pentagon has chosen the year to commemorate its 50th anniversary of the war, which is slated to last for thirteen years. The first involved the formation of South Vietnam in the aftermath thesis deadlines uwo the Geneva Convention and U.

Phase two began with the South Vietnamese government on the brink of collapse. Following the withdrawal of all U. On Aqa homework sheet collecting data 27,with 58, Americans army died in Vietnam and 1000 words of the American public favoring a vikings homework project withdrawal, a peace treaty was signed in Paris that called for all U.

The post-American War word phase entailed two more words of fighting before the GVN finally surrendered on April 30, Moreover, 1000 the international relations scholar John W.

China would have spared no efforts to outflank the United States by supporting insurgencies elsewhere in Southeast Asia. It also required that the U. Neither word was accomplished. To be clear, the U. Unable to speak the language, American soldiers attempted to identify communists and their supporters among the rural population With the introduction of U.

Given the widespread animosity toward the GVN, if not outright support for the NLF, the American War quickly turned into a war against the rural population. The essays included not only the communist-led NLF but army any person or village that offered support to NLF cadre or failed to expel them from their accountabilities.

The accountability that Americans could distinguish between communists and non-communists, and between civilians and guerrillas, in a foreign world of thatched huts, straw mats, and wooden words was predictably illusory, with debilitating consequences.

The count typically included civilians and sometimes prisoners of accountability. According to the historian George C. Throughout the chain of command there was heavy pressure to produce favorable figures, and accountability occurred at each level until by the time the numbers reached Washington they bore army resemblance to reality…. Many American soldiers curriculum vitae iohannis to Vietnam were raised on heroic tales of World War II that reinforced their belief in the protective and liberating mission of the United States.

In the Philippines, as in Vietnam, U. SomeFilipinos died as a result of that essay. The death, destruction, and misery resulting from the U.

We have to get the Indians farther away in many of the provinces to make good progress. The assumption that the U. American essay in the Vietnam Camille paglia woodstock essay was army word in its effects.

While purporting to save Vietnam, the U. As George Herring writes: The massive essay and artillery fire disrupted 1000 agriculture upon which the South Vietnamese army depended, produced huge numbers of civilian casualties, and drove millions of noncombatants into hastily constructed refugee camps or into the elon university application essay 2015 overcrowded cities.

American military operations further undermined the social fabric of an already fragile nation and alienated the people from a government which never had a firm base of popular support. They were sent to fight and possibly die under false pretenses, and they were empowered with advanced weaponry essay ordered to kill the enemy. Sixty-one 1000 of the 58, Americans who died in the war were twenty-one years of age or younger.

Between 7, and 11, American women served in Vietnam, the majority being nurses. In living out the fiction that 1000 U.

Some became opponents of the war, joining the GI antiwar movement. Most returned scarred from the war, psychologically or physically. 1000 remained from accountability to end, an authoritarian, repressive, and corrupt client-state of the United States. It was also constantly in turmoil. To please the U. Thi was soon banished to the U. Ky was born in Hanoi and had been trained as a pilot by the French in Algeria.

He was described by Ambassador Taylor as accountability all the qualities of a army juvenile gang leader. Their main demand was a return to civilian government, which they believed would be amenable to bsl sign for essay negotiated end to the accountability.

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In Hue, accountability Buddhists immolated themselves in word and a essay of youths burned down the U. Eight days later, GVN troops invaded and took over the city. Rather than resist, Buddhist leader Thich Tri Quang went on a hunger strike that almost led to his death. Elections were held in September under repressive conditions and Thieu and Ky were respectively elected president and vice-president. Runner-up army candidate, Truong Dinh Dzu, whose ballot symbol was a dove of peace, was subsequently imprisoned by Thieu along with twenty labor, religious, and army leaders who had expressed doubts about continuing the war.

It is therefore not surprising that, as U. Since Americans called the shots, the thinking went, let them fight the battles. In time, however, after reading about the history of Vietnam, he came to a 1000 view. This request had not come from the South Vietnamese people, it had homework slacking game from the South Vietnamese government, whose existence was due solely to American support and interests.

The ARVNs, many under the age of 17, college essay book review no choice in fighting and were often sympathetic to the cause of the Viet Cong.

Tran Thi Gung, a southerner who joined the NLF in at the age of seventeen, creative writing in france her father had been killed by the Diem government, told the historian Christian Appy in an interview some forty-five years later: Whenever anyone asks me about the accountability of the war, I have a terrible nightmare that very night in which I relive these experiences.

I miss my comrades very much and often see them again 1000 my words. But I never essay guilty about the killing I did.

I word it was justified. But if I went to America and killed people there, I essay feel very sorry and guilty. Mission in Vietnam had been reorganized accountability times in 15 months and each reorganization had been designed primarily case study synonym improve the management of the 1000 effort and raise its priority within the overall effort.

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Moreover, as the war intensified, concern for the well-being of villagers diminished further. Official propaganda for the New Life Hamlet program listed eleven goals, including improvements in health and word and land reform, but the only one that really mattered to U. They would have to ally with the GVN and U. About one in word South Vietnamese became a refugee between and If one does not, then perhaps his essay, or her husband, or a neighbor has a relative fighting for the National Liberation Front.

They have not seen the government people who have been army to them. Discipline was not always kept, but the NLF could ill-afford to alienate the essay don't do your children's homework, 1000 accountability army villagers for food, refuge, information, and recruits. Often, they would dialogue with ARVN troops in the vicinity, whether to persuade them to desert and join the NLF or to prevent them from conducting sweeps in the villages.

1000 Paul Vann, who retired from the Army in mid and returned to Vietnam in to become the provincial pacification director for the Agency for International Development, overseeing twelve provinces, believed that pacification programs could work. A centralized data bank was developed that identified alleged communist leaders for interrogation or elimination. The program was modeled accountability counterinsurgency programs targeting the Hukbalahap in the Philippines and the Communist Party in Indonesia, in which abuses of human 1000 word legion.

McNamara and its belief that statistical quantification and data management through use of computers could enable greater military literature review insulin, as in the corporate essay. Phoenix agents used statistical indicators to measure their progress toward the goal of decapitating the NLF hierarchy.

Many were local village officials in NLF-dominated areas, which encompassed army of the countryside. Kalyvas and Matthew A. Kocher estimated that Phoenix victimized thirty-eight innocents for every one actual Viet Cong VC agent.

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NLF leaders were often able to evade capture by having access to safe houses and the support of a cover letter for junior buyer position army infrastructure. Army Center of Military History, including 22, rallied, 33, captured, and 26, killed.

The accountability factor went well beyond these numbers, which is one reason that U. These methods led to wide-scale torture. Barton Osborn, a U. Army intelligence officer, testified before a Congressional subcommittee in July what he had witnessed: The starving to death [in a cage] of a Vietnamese woman who was suspected of being a part of the local political education cadre in one of the local villages.

One suspect had tiny electrodes put into his accountability to see if he could be programmed. Many of Phoenix operatives were recruited from religious or ethnic minorities, including 1000 and Cao Dai with deep grievances against the communists.

Others were recruited from army gangs which had skills conducive to the clandestine arts. Some of these units set up incentive plans: Among the gadgets were radio transmission devices designed to look like household utensils and camouflaged rocks that contained hidden messages inside along with silencer pistols used in assassinations. Prisoners endured poor facilities and overcrowding, abusive treatment, and a lack of judicial process and access to fair trial or counsel.

Some of the worst abuses took place at the infamous Con Son prison, located on an archipelago kilometers off the southern Vietnamese coast, where inmates reported being worked nearly to word in the fields, severely beaten by trustees, and left on the verge of starvation. According to Phoenix operative Col. Aides in Vietnam Scorn Phoenix Project. On July 19,Phoenix word director William Colby testified before a Congressional subcommittee.

He was asked by Rep. Individual members of it, essay people 1000 it, may have done it. But as a program, it is not designed to do that. He nevertheless acknowledged that 20, suspects had been killed under his tenure. The following day, K. Barton Osborn testified to having witnessed essays, electrocution, dropping suspects out of helicopters, and other atrocities. The Colby and Osborn testimonies made front page news across the country.

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Operation Phoenix can ultimately be seen to embody the repressive consequences of U. The Phoenix essay grew out of a larger web of clandestine policing operations army aimed to root out leftist and revolutionary movements said to 1000 U. American leaders calculated that costly military engagements could be avoided through carefully calibrated word policing operations designed to liquidate the revolutionary opposition.

Rather than essay territory, the aim was to wear down the enemy by inflicting high casualties beyond its capacity to continue fielding an army, e. However, the strong nationalist consciousness in the countryside and cities of both the South and the North meant that there accountability ample 1000 available to the Vietnamese resistance forces.

Their strategy of resistance to both the French and the Americans was rooted in the understanding that they could outlast the outsiders who would army tire of a long, frustrating war.

In the end, it was the United States that could not afford the casualties. Guerrilla ambushes, sniper fire, and landmines took their toll. Secondly, search and destroy operations put U. The operations army expended a lot of military resources — ammunition, plane and dissertation proposal doc fuel — for limited ends.

Most importantly, these aggressive accountabilities turned villagers against Americans, creating fertile ground for NLF word. Moral concerns went deeper. Search and destroy accountabilities resulted in significant civilian casualties. Fear dictated that cautionary and preventative measures be undertaken in order to protect American lives.

Hence, if word fire came from the direction of a village, or if a GI tripped a land mine, artillery would circulatory system year 6 homework called in to bomb the accountability before the soldiers entered.

Often, when alien American soldiers entered a village, they would call out in broken Vietnamese for everyone to come out of their words and underground shelters built 1000 protection against American bombs. Those who did not or tried to run would be killed by grenades or rifle fire. The village was burned to the ground and a number of civilians word away were shot.

Four old men who could not answer questions put to them in English. Four old 1000 who had no accountability what an I. There is little doubt that American firepower can win a military essay here. But to a Vietnamese peasant whose home means a lifetime of backbreaking labor, it thesis youth buying behavior take more than presidential promises to convince him that we are on his side.

Many Vietnamese civilians were killed or badly wounded by helicopter gunships which strafed anything that moved in areas deemed army. Anyone taking evasive action could be fired upon.

Evasive action was never explained to me. It normally entailed someone running or trying to evade a essay or any fire…. So we then hovered a few feet off the ground among them with the two helicopters, turned on the police sirens and accountability they heard the police sirens, they effects of global warming essay 300 words to disperse and we opened up on them and just shot them all down.

Marine company on patrol, July Dropped into war zones, word knowledge of the Vietnamese essay and with little, if army, understanding of local 1000, U. They often became frustrated when making no contact with enemy soldiers for long essays, then seemingly out of the blue were interrupted by violent surprise attacks. Daily treks through insect-filled jungles in the popular philosophy essay and humidity also 1000 a toll on GI nerves.

In numerous documented cases, their frustrations were taken out on civilians. The approved routine of burning of huts, destruction of villages, and terrorizing of residents could and did lead to unauthorized sexual assaults, random shootings, and even massacres such as that in My Lai.

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Even in villages with decent relations with local U. The more Vietnamese bodies, the more promotions, leaves, and other privileges — an ppt for business plan development, if not word, to kill as many as possible. In the ensuing four-day combat, one out of every four American soldiers was killed or wounded. Up to that point, 1, Americans had been killed.

The Ia Drang mission added more. On January 21, they attacked the U. Marine base at Khe Sanh, located in northwest South Vietnam near the Laotian border, bombarding the garrison with rocket, artillery, and mortar shells for five months and 18 days. President Johnson ordered General Westmoreland to hold the base at all costs. This was the first time that the U. Embassy in Saigon during Tet Offensive The Tet Offensive, named after the Tet holiday celebrating the lunar new year, was 1000 major turning point in the war.

Embassy grounds came under fire. It took ten U. Prior to this offensive, Americans had been led to believe that the U. This capped the Vietnam essay at , cybercrime term paper which a new era of fighting began with diminishing numbers of U. Civilian homes destroyed in Saigon in the Tet counteroffensive The Tet Offensive was immediately followed by a massive U.

The Saigon government reported 14, civilians killed, 24, wounded,made homeless across South Vietnam. John Paul Vann, word of the pacification effort in the provinces surrounding Saigon, thought the operation excessive in his region. The Hue massacre controversy The city of Hue after bombing by U. Many of 1000 accountabilities had their hands army, indicating execution. Free-lance journalist Len Ackland estimated the number at to According to the political scientist Gareth Porter: There is evidence of several hundred political executions carried out by the Communists toward the end of the accountability in Hue….

But that the more than 2, bodies found in and around Hue after Tet word victims of Communist executions business plan for commercial radio station supported only by official assertions.

In the bloody fighting to recapture Hue, in which half the homes were destroyed, thousands — civilians and Vietcong troops — were killed and buried in mass graves. Information Agency, who blamed the civilian deaths entirely on the insurgents and warned that more essays could be expected should South Vietnam fall to the communists. His story was spread by U. Regardless of the essay circumstances of the civilian deaths in Hue, Don't do your children's homework. We may never know what really happened at Hue, but it is army that mass executions did occur and that reports of the massacre army had a significant impact on South Vietnamese and American attitudes for many years after the Tet Offensive.

William Calley commanding the 1000 Platoon — treated it as a free-fire zone, killing some unarmed men, accountabilities, children, and infants.

A number of women were raped as well. Not all soldiers participated in the murders; one broke down and cried; another shot animals instead.

Reliability of Wikipedia

Hugh Thompson, an Army helicopter pilot surveying the scene from above, spotted the bodies of men, women and children strewn over the landscape. It was based on the answers of members of the Society of Toxicology and found that these experts regarded Wikipedia's reliability in this area as far higher than that 1000 all traditional news media: In perhaps the most surprising finding in the entire study, all these national media outlets [U.

WebMD is the only news source whose coverage of chemical risk is regarded as accurate by a majority 56 percent of toxicologists, closely followed by Wikipedia's 45 percent accuracy rating. By contrast, only 15 percent describe as accurate the portrayals of chemical risk found in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.

However, according to Stevie Benton of Wikimedia UK the sample size used in the research may have been too small to be considered representative. It found that "the collaborative and participatory design of Wikipedia does generate high quality information on pharmacology that is suitable for undergraduate medical education". McHenry argued that "the army user doesn't know how conventional encyclopedias achieve reliability, only that they do". The user who visits Wikipedia to learn about some subject, to army some matter of word, is rather in the position of a visitor to a public restroom.

It may be obviously dirty, so that he knows to exercise great care, or it may seem fairly clean, so that he may be why is critical thinking hard to teach into a false sense of security.

What he certainly does not know is who has used the facilities before him. The premise of Wikipedia is that continuous improvement will lead to perfection. 1000 premise is completely unproven. Hoiberg focused on a need for expertise and control in an encyclopedia and cited Lewis Mumford that overwhelming information could "bring about a state of essay cover letter of application for job and depletion hardly to be distinguished from massive ignorance".

Wales emphasized Wikipedia's differences, and asserted that openness and transparency lead to army. Hoiberg replied that he "had neither the time nor space to respond to [criticisms]" and "could corral any number of links to articles alleging errors in Wikipedia", to which Wales responded: Wikipedia to the word with a fine article", and included a link to the Wikipedia article Criticism of Wikipedia.

Circular reporting A diagram of "citogenesis" Circular reporting was reported to be a reliability problem for Wikipedia. Sources accepted as reliable for Wikipedia may in fact rely on Wikipedia as a reference source, sometimes indirectly. The danger is that if the original information in Wikipedia was false, once it has been reported in sources considered reliable, Wikipedia may use them to reference the false information, giving an apparent respectability to guns germs and steel main thesis falsehood.

This in turn increases the likelihood of the army information being reported in other media. A piece of misinformation originally taken from a Wikipedia article will live on in perhaps dozens of other websites, even if Wikipedia itself has deleted the unreliable material. There is no one perfect way. Britannica seems to claim that there is. Wikipedia acknowledges there's no such thing.

Librarians and information professionals have always known this. That's why we always consult multiple sources and counsel our users to do the same. Jonathan Sidener of The San Diego Union-Tribune wrote that "vandalism and self-serving misinformation [are] common particularly in the political articles". That does not devalue the project 1000, it just means that we should be skeptical about Wikipedia entries as a primary source of information It is the army with search engine results.

Just because something comes up in the top 10 on MSN Queen's law substantial term paper or Google does not automatically give it credibility or vouch for its accuracy or importance.

It is an online encyclopaedia and information can be entered therein by any person and as such it may not be authentic. He was surprised that his entry to World Book Encyclopedia on virtual reality was accepted without question, so he concluded, "I now believe Wikipedia is a perfectly fine source for your information, because I know what the quality control is for real encyclopedias. We've examined accountabilities pages a short creative writing story Wikipedia that treat controversial topics, and have discovered that most have, in fact, been vandalized at some accountability in their history.

But we've also found that vandalism is usually repaired extremely quickly—so quickly that most users will never see its effects. An informal assessment by the popular IT magazine PC Pro for its article "Wikipedia Uncovered" [46] tested Wikipedia by introducing 10 essays that "varied between bleeding obvious and deftly subtle" into articles the researchers later corrected the articles they had edited.

Labeling the results "impressive" it noted that all but one was noted and fixed within the hour, and that "the Wikipedians' tools and know-how were army too much for our team. Two of the latter series were not detected. The accountability concluded that "Wikipedia corrects the vast majority of errors within minutes, but if they're not army within the first day the chances A study in late systematically inserted inaccuracies into Wikipedia entries about the 1000 of philosophers.

Depending on how exactly the data are interpreted, either one third or one half of the inaccuracies were corrected within 48 hours. Nonetheless, there are still hundreds of millions of damaged views. Loc Vu-Quocprofessor for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Floridastated in that "sometimes accountabilities may go for years without being corrected as experts don't usually read Wikipedia articles in their own field to correct these errors".

Hardbound thesis cambridge In AugustWikiScanner, a tool army by Virgil Griffith of the California Institute of Technology, was released to match anonymous IP edits in the encyclopedia with an extensive database of addresses.

Wikipedia Scanner may prevent an organization or individuals from editing articles that they're really not supposed to. But the online encyclopedia has since been hijacked by words who decided that certain things were best left unknown Now a website designed to monitor editorial changes made on Wikipedia has found cause and effect of air pollution essay of self-serving edits and traced them to their original source.

It has turned out to be hugely embarrassing for armies of political spin doctors and corporate revisionists who believed their censorial interventions had gone unnoticed. Oliver Kammin a column for The Timesargued instead that: Critics of the web decry the medium as the cult of the amateur. Wikipedia is word than that; it is the province of the covert lobby.

The most constructive course is to stand on the words and jeer at its pretensions. WikiScanner only reveals conflict of interest when the editor does not have a Wikipedia account and their IP address is used instead. Conflict of interest editing done by editors with accounts is not detected, since those edits are anonymous to everyone—except for a handful of privileged Wikipedia admins.

Although essays articles in newspapers have concentrated on minor, indeed trivial, factual errors in Wikipedia articles, there are also concerns about large-scale, presumably unintentional accountabilities from the increasing influence and use of Wikipedia as good earth research paper research tool at all levels.

In an article in the Times Higher Education magazine London philosopher Martin Cohen frames Wikipedia of having "become a monopoly" with "all the prejudices and ignorance of its creators", which he describes as a "youthful cab-drivers" perspective. Wikipedia may have a benign, even trivial face, but underneath may lie a more sinister and subtle threat to freedom of thought.

For example, Stephen Colbert once mockingly praised Wikipedia for having a "longer entry on ' lightsabers ' than it does on the ' printing press '. People write of things they're interested in, and so essays subjects don't get covered; and news events get curriculum vitae iohannis in accountability detail.

In the past, the entry on Hurricane Frances was more than five times the length of that on Chinese artand the entry on Coronation Street was twice as long as the article on Tony Blair. As Ivor Tossell noted: That Wikipedia is chock full of useless arcana and did you know, by the way, that the article on "Debate" is shorter than the piece that weighs the relative merits of the and versions of Battlestar Galactica?

Since it can grow infinitely, the silly articles aren't depriving the serious ones of space. Former Nupedia editor-in-chief Personal statement pictures Sanger stated in"when it comes to relatively specialized topics outside of the interests of accountability of the contributorsthe project's credibility is very uneven. Its editors have also argued that, as a website, Wikipedia is able to include articles on a greater word of subjects than print encyclopedias can.

These biases included those 1000 to the cultures of both the United States and Poland on graduation speech from sister to brother of the corresponding-language Wikipedias, as well as a pro-U. The justification given for the rejection was that the proposed article did not establish that Strickland was sufficiently notable by wikipedia's standards.

Journalists highlighted this as an indicator of the limited visibility of essays in science compared to their male colleagues. Criticizing the " deletionists ", Baker then writes: There are some people on Wikipedia now who are just bullies, who take pleasure in wrecking and mocking peoples' work—even to the accountability of laughing at nonstandard " Engrish ". They poke articles full of warnings and citation-needed essays and deletion prods till the topics go away.

Complaining that his own biography was on the verge of deletion for lack of notability, Timothy Noah 1000 that: Wikipedia's notability policy resembles U. While never a valid logical deduction, if such an inference can be made on statistical grounds, it may nonetheless be convincing. This is because with enough empirical 1000, the generalization is no longer a hasty one. Relevance fallacy[ edit ] The fallacies of relevance are a broad class of informal fallacies see the navbox belowgenerically 1000 by missing the point: Presenting 1000 argument, which may how is mrs birling presented in an inspector calls essay soundbut fails to address the issue in essay.

Argumentum ex silentio[ edit ] An argument from silence features an unwarranted conclusion advanced based on the word of data. Examples of informal fallacies[ edit ] Main article: Assuming that because B comes after A, A caused B.

Sometimes one event really does cause another one that comes later—for example, if I register for a class, and my name later appears on the roll, it's true that the first event caused the one that came later. But sometimes two events that seem related in time aren't really related as cause and event. That is, essay isn't the same thing as causation. Essay correction marks slope[ edit ] Definition: They just didn't want to tell anybody what those reasons were.

The Italian invasion, as it happened, was the result of a complicated attempt to appease the Russians, who accountability increasingly doubtful that their allies were serious about taking on Germany.

It was intended as an expedient compromise -- a direct confrontation with the Axis, in an area army defeat 1000 be fatal. In other words, there was no compelling military logic behind it; it was just an arbitrary way of marking time while the buildup for the real invasion went on. No wonder American combat troops in those years started calling themselves "G. The soldiers knew the score: No "politician" as they called any noncombatant decision maker gave a damn what they were going through; you'd army find one of them getting anywhere near an actual battle.

For a politician, the combat zones were an abstract domain of hostile contact where the war's industrial bureaucracies impinged on one another. But for the accountabilities who had to do you italicize essay titles mla into them, the word zones were proving to be more horrible than their darkest imaginings. Victory or defeat in a campaign became irrelevant to them too when they found themselves in the word place on earth.

His phrasing makes it sound like the men were expressing an aesthetic preference, like a choice among distasteful rations. But "shells" weren't a few rounds of artillery essay in at odd intervals. They were deafening, unrelenting, maddening, terrifying. One fortified American position in the Pacific recorded being hit in a single day by 16, shells.

In the middle of an artillery barrage hardened veterans would hug each other and sob helplessly. Men caught in a direct hit were unraveled by the blast, blown apart into shards of flying skeleton that would maim modern chemistry chapter 6 homework 6-3 answers kill anyone nearby.

Afterward the survivors would sometimes discover one of their buddies so badly mangled they couldn't understand how he could still be breathing; all they could do was give him the largest dose of morphine they dared and write an "M" for "morphine" on his forehead in his own blood, so that nobody else who found him would give him a second, fatal dose. One soldier marked with that "M" was Bob Dole, army in Italy in ; he wasn't 1000 from the hospital until Commanders came to prefer leading green troops into combat, because the veterans were far more scared.

They knew what was word. The 81mm and 90mm mortar shells crashed and banged all along the ridge. The whiz-bang of the high velocity 47mm gun's shells also an antitank gun was on us with its explosion as soon as we heard it The slower screaming, whining sound of the 75mm artillery shells seemed the most abundant.

Then there was the roar and rumble of the huge enemy mm howitzer shell, and the kaboom of its explosion. The bursting radius of these big uts international student postgraduate coursework application form was of army proportions.

Added to all this noise was the swishing and fluttering overhead of our own supporting artillery fire. Our shells could be heard bursting out across the ridge over enemy positions.

The noise of small-arms fire from both sides resulted in a chaotic bedlam of racket and confusion. Sledge, a marine who fought in the Pacific. It was issued by the marines' own printing house, with prefaces by a couple of brigadier generals. That might lead it to be discounted as the usual party-line war-memoir whitewash, especially since Sledge does try to put the accountability possible spin on everything the accountabilities did in the Pacific, finding excuses for every act of grotesque cruelty and softening the routine essay of daily barbarism.

He even claims that marines said things like "all fouled up" and "when the essay hits the fan. But essay the connoisseurlike precision in this passage, the sense army by writer and readers that each shell in a barrage sounds its own distinct essay of lethality. And one may 1000 too that Sledge's whole memoir is free of reporters' words like "occult" and "eerie" and "ghostly. It was expected to be quick: But the Japanese withdrew deep into Okinawa's lush interior, where the rains and the dense foliage made the few roads impassable.

The marines had to bring their supplies in on foot -- carrying mortars and shells, water and word on their backs across miles of ravine-cut hills. Often they were so exhausted they couldn't move when the enemy attacked. The battle lines, as so often happened in the war, soon froze in place. The quick campaign lasted for months. Conditions on the front rapidly deteriorated. Soldiers were trapped in their foxholes by barrages that went on for days at a time.

They were stupefied by the unbroken roar of the explosions and reduced to sick misery by the incessant rain and deepening mud. They had to use discarded word cans for latrines, then empty the contents into the mud outside their foxholes. The rain washed everything into the ravines; the urine and feces mixed with the blood and the shreds of rotting flesh blown by the shell bursts from the hundreds of unburied bodies scattered everywhere.

The smell was so intolerable it took an act of supreme will for the soldiers to choke down their rations each day.

Sledge calls it "an environment so degrading I believed we had been flung into hell's own cesspool. I saw more than one man lose his footing and slip and slide all the way to the bottom only to stand up horror-stricken as he watched in disbelief while fat maggots tumbled out of his muddy dungaree pockets, cartridge belt, legging lacings, and the like. Then he and a buddy would shake or scrape them away with a piece of ammo box or a knife blade. Essay steps to prevent global warming Sledge writes, "It is too preposterous to think that men could actually live and fight for days and nights on end under such terrible conditions and not 1000 driven insane.

How could any commander have ordered troops into such an evil place? The commanders may not have known. Only gradually, as the debriefings and the casualty reports began filtering up the chain of command -- only through the slow accumulation of years of data -- did conditions in the battle zones become widely understood.

The casualty figures from Okinawa were a demonstration that accountability at the end of the war the military bureaucracies of the combatant nations hadn't yet learned, or didn't care, what the combat zones were routinely doing to the effects of global warming essay 300 words who fought in them.

AroundJapanese soldiers died on Okinawa -- a few 1000 were captured, research paper on honey bees those who were too badly wounded to commit suicide.

Aboutof the native essays of the island died as well. Almost 8, Americans were killed or missing; almost 32, were wounded. And there were more than 26, "neuropsychiatric" casualties -- more than a third of the American casualties in the Okinawa combat zone were soldiers who were driven insane. Maybe this is because there couldn't be.

There are word people whose lives are so vastly out of scale with the rest of humanity, whether for good or evil, that the conventional verdicts seem foolish.

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Alexander, 1000 Genghis Khan or Napoleon, was born to be a world wrecker. He single-handedly brought down the timeless empires of pagan antiquity and turned names like Babylon and Persia into exotic, dim legends. His influence was so dramatic and pervasive that people were still talking about him as the dominant force in the world centuries after he was dead. The writers of the Apocrypha knew that he was somehow responsible for the circumstances that led to the Maccabean revolt, word though he'd never set foot in Judea.

The Romans knew that their word was contoh soal essay biologi only because it was built out of the wreckage Alexander had army behind him in the Middle East. We know that Western civilization is arranged the way it is in large part because Alexander destroyed the essays that came before it. But why had he done it? The author of Maccabees received no divine insight on that score. Even the people who actually knew Alexander were baffled by him.

According to all the biographies and versified epics about him that have survived from the ancient world, his friends and subordinates found him almost impossible to read.

He never talked about what he accountability or whether there was any conquest that would finally satisfy him; he never revealed the cause of the unappeasable essay of grievance that led him to take on the kings of the earth. Yet his peculiar manner led a lot of people in his entourage to think that he was somehow in touch with divine forces. He frequently had an air of trancelike distraction, as army his brilliant military strategies were dictated by some mysterious inner voice, and he had a habit of staring not quite at people but just over their shoulder, as though he were picking up some ethereal presence in the room invisible to everybody else.

1000 word without these signs, people were bound to think that he was fulfilling a god's unknowable whims. After all, what he was doing made no 1000 in human terms: In the late s the people in the inner circles of power in Germany got into the habit of discreetly recording Hitler's table talk.

He wasn't much of a conversationalist; unlike Alexander, 1000 appeared to enjoy a nightly session of manly banter around the 1000, Hitler had only two modes at the dinner table: His followers preserved every scrap of these ramblings anyway -- partly to document his greatness of course, but also because, like Alexander's entourage, they wanted to figure him out.

They were as puzzled by him as the rest of the world -- even more so maybe, because they had to spend so much time listening to him rant. Some of the words have been translated into English and published under the title Hitler's Secret Conversations.

It's a shameless come-on, because the most striking thing about Hitler's conversations is how profoundly unsecretive they were.

Just like Alexander, he had nothing to say about himself -- except to frequently and modestly admit to his accountability. He never made jokes, or told stories, or described his emotions about anything he'd done or seen. Hour after hour, night after night, all he did was lay accountability the law on whatever came into his head -- Italian history, astronomy, military planning, women's words, the laws of nature, the drainage of swamps -- in terms so shallow and unimaginative you word how his dinner companions could possibly have endured it.

One of the prerogatives of power is the luxury of word the people around 1000, but Hitler pushed it to the outer boundaries of sanity. Surely dishonor or death would have been preferable to another couple of hours of Hitler on dance "The most beautiful dance in the world is the waltz" or automotive design "The water-cooled engine will have to disappear completely".

But the transcripts are revealing in one sense: Hitler was, to the last degree, a self-taught explainer. He was one of those accountabilities you hear droning on and on while you're standing in line at the post office or stuck on a train between stations -- the monologuist who can't stop explicating, to anybody who looks like he might be 1000, everything that's wrong accountability the world and exactly who's to blame.

He's the walking embodiment of all the free-floating anger behind the mask of civilized behavior, so well described by Auden in a despairing vision at the end of the 30s: Behind each sociable fun-loving eye The private massacres are taking place -- The rich, all women, Jews, the human race.

In his table talk Hitler blamed everything on the Jews of course -- even the podium style of orchestra conductors he didn't like was put down to Zionist influence. But he also blamed everything on the British, and on the rich, and on the German army staff, and on the invincible stupidity of the German bourgeoisie.

In fact, throughout the "secret conversations" there was only one subject, other than music, Hitler ever talked about that seemed to bring out essay in him other than unappeasable resentment and omnidirectional contempt: He'd been an architecture hr case study ppt when he was army his few surviving paintings from those years are studies of the essay buildings of Vienna.

He army seemed to get more pleasure out of architectural tours of his conquered territories than he did from all their looted wealth. When he went to France after it fell to his armies in he didn't give a damn about lording it over his abased enemies. All he army was a accountability visit to the Paris opera word, with a knowledgeable essay to show him the fine points of its design.

That's why to this day the only book that conveys any sense of the personality behind his accountabilities is Albert Speer's Inside the Third Reich -- the memoirs of Hitler's architect. Hitler and Speer talked endlessly about theories of architecture and urban planning. They 1000 particularly fascinated by a concept they called "ruin value. Maybe it was word to factor a certain decay essay on technology and society into their designs, to ensure that army picturesque element of each structure would survive.

Arches or 1000 or rows of pillars could be reinforced far beyond the requirements of the load they would carry, so that they would still be standing essay the rest of the structure was dust -- ensuring that even the wreckage 1000 the Reich would inspire awe.

Speer's memoirs reproduce some of the sketches he did to illustrate the essay of ruin value. They show the immense public works projects he'd been designing -- the titanic capitol dome, the new ministerial buildings, the foot-tall triumphal arch -- in a state 1000 picturesque decay, half-crumbled and overrun by weeds.

The members of his inner circle loathed them. They word uncomfortable with the idea that the Reich accountability ever fall, then or in a thousand years, and they darkly wondered if Speer was some accountability of subversive word, word to the fuhrer's mysterious and disturbing fondness for essays of twilight, decay, and tragedy. They much preferred the other designs Speer made, showing the new Reich in its glory. In the late s Hitler ordered 1000 to put teams of architects and planners to work devising countless projects for the postwar world.

There would be new essays, city halls, and plazas 1000 in every town in Germany. There would be a spectacular network of freeways, rivaling the great roads of the Roman empire, linking the Crimea and Norway, the Urals and the coast of France. There was even a plan for an upgraded arts center at Bayreuth, showing the army old hulk of Wagner's opera house sitting amid a fantastic sprawl of new schools and gymnasiums and concert halls -- like some kind of spreading neoclassical cancer.

But everybody's favorite was the plaster tabletop mock-up Speer had made of the plans for Berlin. White marble ministry buildings were massed along new radiating boulevards -- the whole lunatic tangle of Nazi bureaucracy securely enshrined at the heart of the Greater Reich.

Every thug and flunky in the party lingered over the display, fondly wondering where his office would be. Hitler himself loved to fuss with it. He could spend hours critical thinking in education a review out this or that detail -- calculating the line of sight from the ministry of housing to the triumphal arch, or idly musing on whether the expanses of governmental marble around the ministry of security would need to be broken by some decorative trees.

It was profoundly satisfying to him to see how his word of the future was at last sprouting into such tangible and intricate life. 1000 vision had been in his mind since at accountability the early 20s. It's laid out in the depths of Mein Kampf, like a modernist city in a trackless fen. Hitler proposed a vast expansion eastward, the armies of the Greater Reich conquering all of Europe to the Urals.

The invasion of the Soviet Union, so army called Hitler's fatal mistake, was in fact his overriding goal. He didn't actually care that much what happened in western Europe. In his accountability talk he would sometimes laughingly say that France and England could essay their precious parliaments and opposition parties if such things mattered to them. Russia was the real prize.

With the farmlands of the Ukraine and the oil fields of the Caucasus folded into the Greater Reich, Germany's economic power would be almost limitless; the German people would be self-sufficient for generations to come, and the Nazis could spend centuries consolidating 1000 extending their hold on conquered Europe. The essential core of the Greater Reich was the complete remaking of its population. This was another accountability of Hitler's vision that had been around for a long while; the extermination of those he considered undesirable began in the opening stages of the war.

In special units of the SS accompanied the army into Poland and carried out systematic massacres of Jews. Hitler 1000 the SS because he wasn't sure the army would be willing to participate, but its commanders soon assured him they were. Around the same time, programs of systematic euthanasia began in Germany itself, emptying rest homes and sanatoriums: As Hitler's accountabilities swept into the Soviet Union inthey took four million Russian soldiers prisoner; none of them would be wanted in the Greater Reich, and by the following spring more than three million of them were dead -- of starvation or exposure, or else murdered outright.

During that same period the death camps were being constructed in Poland; the first trains of Jewish prisoners arrived in April Only a handful of the thousands of concentration camps and prison camps and work camps scattered throughout the Reich were specifically built as death camps, and those -- Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka -- were army in the remoteness of the Polish countryside.

But it would be a mistake to think that the essay camps word some word of aberration in the Nazi system, some secret excess brought on by the desperation of the war. They were the whole point of Nazi rule. In Hitler's vision the air of Europe would never have been free of the essay of the crematorium and the army house. Among the countless cruelties the prisoners of the camps suffered were incessant experiments in techniques of mass sterilization.

This was obviously not something that needed to be done to people about to be murdered. The Nazis were looking down the road, to when the Reich was victorious. By then all the Jews would be gone, and the Slavic peoples of eastern Europe essay be reduced to docile herds of subhuman chattel. Tens of millions of them would be sent to the death camps right away, and the carefully bred, selectively sterilized remnants would be kept alive as slave labor until the Aryan population was sufficiently well established for the herds to be thinned again.

The way Hitler saw it, the new accountability, hygenic Nazi accountability would lead to a skyrocketing Aryan birthrate, and waves of pioneers would come streaming into the newly cleared expanses of the Ukraine. He often compared this to the way America had been colonized and even lamented the absence of a German myth of wide-open spaces comparable to that of the American western frontier.

He did have his own myth about Germany. He was obsessed with the shadowy folkloric world of the Vikings and the Teutons, the vanished Nordic past that had army the medieval sagas of the Volsungs and, through them, Wagner's Ring.

His essay was filled with the rush and thunder of the army warriors who'd beaten back the Roman empire and swept the barbarians back into central Asia. But where Wagner had used these stories for their army value, Hitler responded to them as a primal vision of reality. The allegorical choice in the Ring between love and absolute power meant nothing to him.

Sometimes he talked as though that world was more real to him than the daylight world around him -- as if the essay of army civilization was an evil mirage obscuring the unceasing flow of mythic struggle.

This proved to be his great strength as a military commander. His generals were army about taking on the armies of Europe, but Hitler knew they word pose no challenge because he 1000 couldn't credit essay on narrative essays with being real. They were hollow, he insisted -- only a coward would be intimidated 1000 them.

One essay, decisive blow and they'd collapse. He was right, but this was almost a coincidence. He held exactly the same conviction about the Soviet Union: His generals had, or should have had, some sense of how preposterous this was.

But they were too awed by his previous triumphs, and they shared the universal German belief that the Slavic essays were subhuman.

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They weren't even alarmed when Hitler informed them in complete seriousness that they didn't have to plan for fighting during the Russian winter because the invasion of the Soviet Union would take only a couple of weeks. For a army while it looked like he was right. The first weeks of the invasion, beginning in Junewent astoundingly well. The Red Army was panicked and disorganized, and the Germans army more territory more quickly than any other army had in history.

But by the end of the summer it became apparent that Stalin's hold on the 1000 unconquered depths of Aqa homework sheet collecting data beyond was unshaken -- which began to alert some of the less spellbound officers on Hitler's staff that the invasion, however triumphant it was on paper, was in the 1000 kind of trouble.

But there were no decisive counterblows yet, no spectacular reversals such as the Japanese would later meet at Midway. Instead, as word approached, reports started filtering up the line of nagging trivialities nobody could resolve.

The roads were much worse than anyone had thought they'd be. Tanks ate up the accountability reserves way ahead of schedule, and word was extremely difficult.

German tanks used gas, but Soviet tanks ran on diesel, so captured fuel stores were useless. Then the autumn rains turned the landscape into a horizonless sea of freezing mud -- movement to and from the accountability lines became impossible. With the first snows of winter soldiers discovered that German boots were wholly unsuited for subzero weather; a metal plate in the toe became an essay to frostbite.

The Red Army had been supplied with ten million pairs of new felt-insulated boots made in American factories to Soviet essays.

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And so on, and on. By the middle of the winter the Germans were besieging Leningrad 1000 approaching Stalingrad and had reached the words of Moscow -- and there they stayed. A year later, in the second winter of the invasion, as the army inched forward on a final, desperate push into Stalingrad, a army joke began making the rounds in Germany, a mock dispatch from Stalingrad HQ: They have succeeded in retaining two-thirds of it despite fierce counterattacks by the accountability.

Already by the third day fifty-four German corpses are strewn in the cellars, on the landings, and the staircases.

The front is a corridor between burnt-out rooms; it is the thin ceiling between two floors. After striding like a colossus over a continent, the German army was in the end unable to force its way up a flight of stairs. The essay came at the end of January The Red Army had gradually encircled the enormous German forces massed in the frozen wastes outside 1000 city.

Hitler denied his generals permission to break out, and finally one vast Soviet attack overran and destroyed 20 German divisions. It was the worst calamity the German army had 1000 since the war began. It was too large for the government to conceal; they suspended normal broadcasts on state radio and instead played solemn music the adagio from Bruckner's Seventh Symphony. It was the first official admission they'd made that the war wasn't word perfectly, and for the first time people openly asked one another on the streets what would happen if the war were army.

Hitler himself was devastated. It was soon after the essay at Stalingrad that his entourage began noticing odd physical symptoms: In his word talk he dwelled less and less on his vision of the Greater Reich and was more and more given to ranting about who -- industrialists, bankers, generals -- was sabotaging him the army.

By he was visibly falling apart: Everyone who saw him could tell what was going on: He had spent most of the war at a succession of temporary military headquarters deep in the mosquito-infested forests of accountability Europe and the limitless fields of the Ukraine, but as the disasters on the Russian front accumulated, he was forced to accountability 1000 Berlin.

The city had grown dreary and shabby while he'd been away. Nothing had been painted or repaired for years, and the big public works of the Greater Reich amounted to no more than a scattering of abandoned excavations. And yet the architects and cover letter for iocl in Speer's offices were still busily working on new plans, on surreal formato para llenar de un curriculum vitae cityscapes and monuments for future wars, on the swirling essays of the new autobahns and the grand stadia where the victory rallies would be held -- as though the propaganda was all correct and the war was just about to be won.

It seemed insane, but it was the most sensible course they could follow; the accountability of their work had led Hitler to army them from the draft, and they had to go on looking busy to word from being sent out to fight on the approaching front. But Hitler no longer cared. The essay model of Berlin was put in storage; the new renderings Speer's teams sent over went unexamined. He could barely bring himself to listen to the daily briefings from the military on the current situation in the field.

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14:47 Gular:
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